
Making a simple Http get request in clojure is way too verbose.

Below is an example:

(defn make-get-request
  (let [connection (.openConnection (URL. url))]
    (.setRequestMethod connection "GET")
    (let [response-code (.getResponseCode connection)]
      (if (= response-code HttpURLConnection/HTTP_OK)
        (let [input-stream (.getInputStream connection)
              reader (java.io.BufferedReader.
                      (java.io.InputStreamReader. input-stream))
              response (.readLine reader)]
          (println "Response: " response)
        (println "Request Failed with code: " response-code)))))
(make-get-request "https://hit-me.yaxley.in/")

I guess this is why it is one the higher paying languages out there.

I understand that clojure is a language hosted on the JVM but that does not mean that it can't have it's own idiomatic standard library. If there can be a clojure.math then there can also be a clojure.http

This is how it is done in racket btw:

#lang racket

(require net/url)

(define (make-get-request url)
  (let ([response (get-pure-port (string->url url))])
        (port->string response)))
(make-get-request "https://hit-me.yaxley.in/")

This is how ALL languages should do it (imo).